Clinical Study

HLA Class II Alleles Susceptibility Markers of Type 1 Diabetes Fail to Specify Phenotypes of Ketosis-Prone Diabetes in Adult Tunisian Patients

Figure 1

Susceptibility (a) and resistance (b) HLA class II markers in the KPD subgroups. (a) Frequencies of type 1 diabetes susceptibility alleles were 100%, 100%, 61.1%, and 60% in the A+β−, A+β+, A−β+, and A−β− groups, respectively. (b) Frequencies of type 1 diabetes resistance alleles were 20%, 80%, 66.6%, and 60% in the A+β−, A+β+, A−β+, and A−β− groups, respectively. * for A+β− compared with A+β+ groups. ** for A+β− compared with A−β− groups.