Research Article

Dysregulation of Dicer1 in Beta Cells Impairs Islet Architecture and Glucose Metabolism

Figure 4

Loss of Cdh1, encoding for E-cadherin, does not attenuate glucose homeostasis or islet architecture. A diagram revealing mouse genetics steps for loss of Cdh1 in beta cells (a). RIP-Cre; Cdh1LoxP/LoxP mice, marked as Cdh1 KO, tolerate at the age of five months intra-peritoneal glucose bolus, like control counterparts (b). RIP-Cre; Cdh1LoxP/LoxP mutant cells, which do not express E-Cadherin and are marked by the expression of a YFP reporter, exhibit normal cellular morphology within mature islets, at the age of five months (c). Endocrine markers are comparably expressed in mutant and control islets at the age of 7 days, (d) and of five months, (e). Bar −50 μm.