Research Article

Variations in Rodent Models of Type 1 Diabetes: Islet Morphology

Figure 6

Lymphocyte infiltration in NOD mice. Staining of β-cells with anti-insulin antibodies, counter-stained with hematoxylin, revealed different levels of immune cell infiltration in mice that failed to develop diabetes, ranging from little infiltration (a) to complete penetration (b). The infiltrates are identified by a high density of blue nuclei surrounding the β-cells (red). Scale bar = 50 μm for all images. (c) There was no infiltration noted at the late stages of diabetes. These sections had to be stained with antiglucagon rather than anti-insulin, because there were no insulin-positive cells at later time points. (d) A plot of the amount of infiltration per duration of diabetes summarizes the findings ( islets from 6 mice).