Review Article

Positive Psychological Interventions for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Rationale, Theoretical Model, and Intervention Development

Table 2

Baseline sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.

Characteristics (% (total )

Demographics and psychosocial characteristics
 Age in years (mean (SD)) 60.1 (8.8)
 Male 6 (40)
 White 14 (93.3)
Medical history
 Hypertension 14 (93.3)
 Hyperlipidemia 10 (66.7)
 Coronary artery disease 3 (20)
 Current smoking 1 (6.7)
 Body mass index 31.03 (5.5)
 Hemoglobin A1c8.7 (1.6)
 Aspirin 11 (73.3)
 ACE inhibitor/angiotensin II receptor blocker10 (66.7)
 Lipid-lowering agent (e.g., statin)13 (86.7)
 Insulin 12 (80)
 Oral hypoglycemic agents 9 (60)
 Antidepressants 6 (40)
Baseline psychological self-report measures (mean (SD))
 LOT-R (range 0–24, higher = greater optimism)13.0 (6.8)
 GQ-6 (range 6–42, higher = greater gratitude)35.7 (6.7)
 HADS-D (range 0–21, higher = more depression)7.0 (3.7)
 HADS-A (range 0–21, higher = more anxiety)7.9 (4.2)
Baseline medical self-report measures (mean (SD))
 MOS SAS (range 3–18, higher = more adherent)11.4 (3.4)
 PROMIS-10 subscales (range 4–20, higher = better health)
  Global Physical Health 11.8 (3.2)
  Global Mental Health 10.7 (1.9)
 DDS subscales (range 1–6, higher = more distress)
  Emotional 3.1 (1.4)
  Physical 1.1 (0.1)
  Regimen 3.0 (1.4)
  Interpersonal 2.4 (1.7)
 SDSCA subscales (range 0–7, higher = better adherence)
  Diet 4.1 (1.8)
  Exercise 1.3 (1.9)
  Blood sugar5.2 (2.4)
  Foot care2.7 (2.8)

All figures are (%) unless otherwise specified.
Note. ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; DDS: Diabetes Distress Scale; GQ-6: Gratitude Questionnaire-6; HADS-A: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety Subscale; HADS-D: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Depression Subscale; LOT-R: Life Orientation Test-Revised; MOS SAS: Medical Outcomes Study Specific Adherence Scale items; PROMIS-10: Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System 10-Item Scale; SDSCA: Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities.