Research Article

Altered Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Response in Mif−/− Mice Reveals a Role of Mif for Inflammatory-Th1 Response in Type 1 Diabetes

Figure 5

Mif promotes costimulatory molecule expression on spleen Mφ. The time course of costimulatory molecule: CD80 (a), CD86 (b), MHC-II (c), TLR-2 (d), and TLR-4 (e) expression on spleen F4/80+ Mφ. Mφ from spleen of Wt and Mif−/− mice were harvested at 0, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after STZ administration and 1 × 107 cells/mL were processed by flow cytometric analysis as indicated in Section 2. Analyses of expression are shown in the right panels: WtSTZ (■); Mif−/−STZ (▼). And representative histograms of expression based on fluorescence are shown in the left panels; isotype controls are indicated in gray shadow, the black line represents expression by Mif−/−STZ cells, and the blue line shows expression by WtSTZ cells. The data are presented as the mean fluorescence intensities (MFI) from one representative experiment. Each experiment was repeated three times () and individually analyzed. , , or , GraphPad Prism software 6.