Research Article

Diabetic Retinopathy Screening and Monitoring of Early Stage Disease in Australian General Practice: Tackling Preventable Blindness within a Chronic Care Model

Table 1

Characteristics of intervention and control practice populations.

Mean age in years
Mean HbA1c
Mean SBP
Mean DBP
Median duration of disease in years
(interquartile range)

Intervention447228 (51)219 (49)68.3 (12.7)7.4 (1.6)132.6 (16.9)73.9 (11.3)6 (3, 11)
Control577318 (55)259 (45)66.1 (12.8)7.7 (2.3)135.3 (18.3)77.2 (11.3)7 (2, 11)

Systolic blood pressure.
Diastolic blood pressure.
Age; HbA1c, SBP, and DBP reported as the mean plus or minus (±) SD (standard deviation).
#Duration of disease reported as median (interquartile range).
Number of observations for SBP, DBP and duration of disease was 400 (in the intervention group) and 431 (in the control group).