Research Article

Influence of Age at Diagnosis and Time-Dependent Risk Factors on the Development of Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes

Table 2

Cumulative incidence (IC 95%) after 5, 10, and 15 years since onset.

Cumulative incidence of DR
Time since onset
5 years (CI)10 years (CI)15 years (CI)

Overall T1D population0.7 (0.1, 1.3)5.9 (4.0, 7.7)21.8 (17.7, 25.7)

T1D groups by age at onset
 0–9 years02.0 (0, 4.8)3.7 (0, 7.9)
 10–14 years04.2 (0.5, 7.7)18.3 (9.4, 26.3)
 15–29 years0.8 (0, 1.8)6.5 (3.3, 9.7)25.8 (18.8, 32.2)
 30–44 years1.7 (0, 3.6)10.0 (4.3, 15.3)30.3 (18.1, 40.7)
 ≥45 years1.8 (0, 5.1)7.3 (0, 15.1)44.5 (14.7, 63.9)