Research Article

Investigating Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Diseases in China with Type 2 Diabetes

Table 1

(a) Comparison of demographic factors of T2DM-related CKD patients by depressive symptoms status. (b) Comparison of clinical factors of T2DM-related CKD patients by depressive symptoms status.

Variables Overall sample ⁢Depression status/ value
HAD-D score < 11HAD-D score ≥ 11

Total, (%)210165 (78.6)45 (21.4)
Gender, (%)7.5070.006
 Male108 (51.4)93 (86.1)15 (13.9)
 Female102 (45.1)72 (70.6)30 (29.4)
Age (year), mean (SD)57.66 (11.68)57.39 (11.57)58.62 (12.14)−0.6240.533
Employment status, (%)1.1180.290
 Working102 (48.6)77 (75.5)25 (24.5)
 Not working108 (51.4)88 (81.5)20 (18.5)
Education, (%)3.7910.150
 Primary or below (0–6 years)65 (31.0)46 (76.7)19 (29.2)
 Secondary (7–13 years)122 (58.1)99 (79.2)23 (18.9)
 Tertiary (>13 years)23 (11.0)20 (80.0)3 (13.0)
Marital status (married), (%)189 (90.0)152 (80.4)37 (19.6)2.8280.093
Yearly income (RMB), (%)8.2290.016
 <1500042 (20.0)28 (66.7)14 (33.3)
 15000~3300075 (35.7)56 (74.7)19 (25.3)
 >3300093 (44.3)81 (87.1)12 (12.9)
Insurance, (%)2.4520.117
 Rural medicare cooperative64 (30.5)46 (71.9)18 (28.1)
 Medical insurance146 (69.5)119 (81.5)27 (18.5)

Bold values indicate significant results ().
Independent -tests.

Variables Overall sample⁢Depression Status/ value
HAD-D score < 11HAD-D score ≥ 11

clinic visit frequency (times/year), median (IQR)0.5 (1.0)0.0 (1.0)1.00 (2.0)−2.3560.018
blood glucose testing (times/month), median (IQR)1.0 (4.0)1.0 (4.0)2.0 (3.0)−2.3360.019
Duration of diabetes (years), median (IQR)7.0 (12.0)6.0 (12.92)8.0 (10.5)−2.1110.035
Insulin use (yes), (%)116 (55.2)94 (81.0)22 (19.0)0.9340.334
Hypertension (yes), (%)115 (54.8)83 (72.2)32 (27.8)6.1800.013
 ≤978 (37.1)61 (78.2)17 (21.8)
 >9132 (62.9)104 (78.8)28 (21.2)
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2), (%)15.420<0.001
 ≥9075 (35.7)68 (90.7)7 (9.3)
 60–89105 (50.0)80 (76.2)25 (23.8)
 <6030 (14.3)17 (56.7)13 (43.3)
Albuminuria (mg/L), (%)17.485<0.001
 Normal Albuminuria (<20)109 (51.9)96 (88.1)13 (11.9)
 Microalbuminuria (20~200)59 (28.1)45 (76.3)14 (23.7)
 Macroalbuminuria (>200)42 (20.0)24 (57.1)18 (42.9)
Severity of DKD, (%)23.283<0.001
 Stage I74 (35.2)68 (91.9)6 (8.1)
 Stage II41 (19.5)31 (75.6)10 (24.4)
 Stage III55 (26.2)44 (80.0)11 (20.0)
 Stage IV24 (11.4)15 (62.5)9 (37.5)
 Stage V16 (7.6)7 (43.8)9 (56.3)

Bold values indicate significant results ().
Mann-Whitney test.