Research Article

Investigating Factors Associated with Depressive Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Diseases in China with Type 2 Diabetes

Table 2

Logistic regression model of T2DM-related CKD patients on depressive symptoms.

VariablesSEWaldORexp () 95% CIP value
Lower bound Upper bound

 Without hypertensionREF
 With hypertension0.9020.3955.2082.4651.1365.3500.022
Severity of T2DM-related CKD16.7790.002
 Stage IREF
 Stage II1.0560.5763.3572.8750.9298.8990.067
 Stage III0.8370.5582.2522.3090.7746.8860.133
 Stage IV1.8770.6229.0956.5331.92922.1220.003
 Stage V2.4640.68213.05611.7553.08844.7440.000

REF: reference group.
Bold values indicate significant results ().