Research Article

Hepatic Cholesterol-25-Hydroxylase Overexpression Improves Systemic Insulin Sensitivity in Mice

Figure 4

Tail vein injection of adenoviral Ch25h showed a successful hepatic Ch25h and 25-hydroxycholesterol overexpression. (a) Relative Ch25h levels in AdLacZ and AdCh25h transduced livers. mRNA levels of hepatic Ch25h levels increased 5-fold compared to AdLacZ injected controls. , per group. (b) Ch25h immunoblot of AdLacZ and AdCh25h transduced liver biopsies. Ch25h protein levels are clearly increased in livers of AdCh25h treated mice compared to AdLacZ transduced controls. β-Actin was used as a loading control. , per group. (c) 25-OHC levels in AdLacZ and AdCh25h transduced livers. 25-OHC levels are significantly increased in livers of AdCh25h treated mice compared to AdLacZ transduced controls. , per group.