Research Article

Improving the Reliability and Utility of Streptozotocin-Induced Rat Diabetic Model

Figure 3

Long-term observations for cataract formation and kidney enlargement in STZ- and sham-injected rats. The presence of cataracts was checked by visual inspection weekly or biweekly. The first cataracts were observed 9 weeks after a STZ injection, and 73% of the animals had cataracts 60 weeks after a STZ injection. No cataracts were observed in age-matched sham animals (a). Five to 6 STZ-injected animals died or were sacrificed at weeks 9, 21, and 25; in these animals, their kidneys were enlarged compared to age-matched sham animals. At terminal sacrifice, week 60, all STZ-injected animals () had some degree of kidney enlargement and kidney stones, sham rats did not (–10) (b). –20, percent, mean ± s.e. were calculated from each group at each time point, , Student’s t-test, , (compared to sham).
(a) % of rats with cataract
(b) Enlarged kidney weight