Research Article

Neurophysiological Evidence for a Compensatory Activity during a Simple Oddball Task in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Table 1

Demographic and diabetes-related characteristics of participating adolescents. Values in the table are expressed as the median and the first and third quartiles.

T1D patientsControl group

Number of subjects22 (10 males, 12 females)19 (8 males, 11 females)
Age (years)15.5 (14.0–16.0)16.0 (14.5–17.0)0.231a
Visual acuity, logMAR (−)0.00 (−0.10–0.00)0.00 (−0.05–0.00)0.217a
Age of T1D diagnosis (years)8.0 (5.0–10.0)
Duration of illness (years)8.0 (5.0–10.8)
HbA1c IFCC standard (mmol/mol)68.5 (63.7–76.3)
HbA1c NGSP (%)8.4 (8.0–9.1)
HbA1c coef. variability (%)7 (5–10)
Exposure (−)0.07 (−1.12–0.73)

aWilcoxon rank-sum test.