Research Article

The Dose-Response Relationship between Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes among Asian Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies

Table 1

Characteristics of participants and follow-up in included studies of alcohol consumption in relation to risk of T2D.

Author (year)Country (follow-up period)Assessment of exposureSample size, Age at baseline ()T2D cases, Categories of highest vs. minimal alcohol consumptionAdjusted factors

Tsumura et al. (1999) [29]Japan (9.7)Questionnaires636235-61456≥50 g/d vs. neverAge, BMI, regular physical exercise, parental history of diabetes, smoking habits, and FPG level
Lee et al. (2003) [30]Korea (4)Self-reported, questionnaires405525–5583≥361 g/wk vs. neverAge, BMI, smoking, exercise, family history of diabetes mellitus, and fasting blood glucose
Noriyuki et al. (2003) [31]Japan (7)Questionnaires, annual health examinations295335-59138≥69.0 g/day vs. neverAge, family history of diabetes, BMI, cigarette smoking, and regular physical activity
Waki et al. (2005) [32]Japan (10)Self-administered questionnaire1291340–59703≥46.1 g/d (men) or ≥11.6 g/d (women) vs. neverAge, BMI, cigarette smoking, exercise, family history of diabetes and prevalent hypertension
Shi et al. (2013) [12]China (5.4)Person interviews51,46440–741,241≥3 drinks/d vs. neverAge, energy intake, physical activity, smoking, education level, occupation, income level, hypertension, and family history of diabetes.
Lee et al. (2017) [ 13]Korea (12)Interview-based questionnaires177240-69486≥30 g/d vs. neverAge, BMI, family history of smoking, physical activity, total energy intake and IGI60.
Zhang et al. (2017) [14]China (4.8)Questionnaires, health examination6783≥45526≥20 g/d vs. neverAge, education, smoking factors, central obesity, exercise, family history of diabetes and hypertension
Yatsuya et al. (2018) [15]Japan (12.2)Questionnaire survey354035-64342>46 g/d vs. neverAge, BMI, smoking status, medication, family history of diabetes, categories of fasting blood glucose and triglycerides

BMI: body mass index; FPG: fasting plasma glucose; FHD: family history of diabetes; METs: metabolic equivalent values; NOS: Newcastle-Ottawa Scale; PA: physical activity; T2D: type 2 diabetes.