Review Article

The Role of Recombinant Proteins and Growth Factors in the Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 7

Characteristics of RCTs that evaluated G-CSF safety and effectiveness.

RefStudyInterventionType of controlSize and the oldness of the woundNo. of patientsAntibiotic application during the treatment period (if needed)Baseline HbA1C (%)Types of wound and grade of woundDressing typeOffloadingTreatment durationFollow-up period posttherapy

[25].RCTSubcutaneous injection of G-CSF or saline solution for 7 days. The initial dose of G-CSF was 5 μg/kg daily. The dose was lowered to 2.5 μg/kg daily if, after two doses, the absolute neutrophil count was higher than Placebo>2 cm2
More than 8 weeks
40Y5·5–13·7%NMStandard foam dressingsNM7 daysNM
[28]RCTConventional antimicrobial treatment plus 263 mg of G-CSF subcutaneously daily for 21 daysPlaceboNM40YYWagner grade III or IVNMBed rest21 days6 months
[26]RCT5 μg/kg G-CSF (injected subcutaneously) or placebo daily.Placebo0.5-3 cm37Y<12%Wagner grade II or IIINMBed rest10 daysNM
[27]RCTSubcutaneous injection of G-CSF and/or conventional therapy. The initial daily dose of G-CSF was 5 μg/kg. After three consecutive doses, if the absolute neutrophil count was , the dose was changed to 2.5 μg/kg daily on alternate daysPlaceboNM30YNMWagner grade IINMNMNMNM

G-CSF: granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; Y: yes; N: no; NM: not mentioned.