Research Article

Comparison of Risk Assessment Strategies for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Stable Chest Pain: A Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography Study

Table 5

Reclassification table comparing the RF-CL model, NICE strategy, and ESC strategy in patients with ESC-PTP below 5% and above 15%.


Risk groups by ESC strategy
Risk groups by NICE strategy
 Negative patients2.28%9.59%19.88%<0.0001
 Positive patients13.14%0.57%
Risk groups by RF-CL model
Risk groups by NICE strategy
 Negative patients2.28%14.61%24.33%<0.0001
 Positive patients12.57%0.57%
Risk groups by ESC strategy
Risk groups by RF-CL model
 Negative patients6.85%1.83%-4.45%0.0598
 Positive patients1.71%1.14%

Abbreviations as in Table 3.