Research Article

The Kansei Design Characteristics towards Learning Style

Table 1

The index of learning style survey [8].

Sensing learnersIntuitive learners

(i) Like to learn facts(i) Prefer to discover new ideas and connections
(ii) Like to use established methods to solve problems(ii) Like abstract problems
(iii) Resent being “thrown curves” (i.e., being tested on
something that has not been “covered”)
(iii) Prefer to work quickly
(iv) Are patient with work details and are good at memorizing (iv) Do not like to memorize or do routine calculations
(v) Like hands-on work(v) Should try to discipline themselves to check work to
make sure that careless mistakes have not been made
(vi) Like learning things that have a direct connection to the
“real world”
(vii) Should ask for specific examples when the task is unclear

Visual learnersVerbal learners

(i) Remember what they see—timelines, demonstrations,
  and flowcharts
(i) Prefer written or spoken instructions
(ii) Create timelines for projects, papers, and tests(ii) Should write summaries of tasks in their own words
(iii) Color code tasks(iii) Should try to work in groups or with a partner whenever possible