Research Article

Bio-Inspired Distributed Sensing Using a Self-Organizing Sensor Network

Algorithm 1

Navigation algorithm.
(1) Get Target Location.
(2) Get Current location.
(3) If current location is within a distance of target then STOP.
(4) Get orientation of the bot.
(5) Calculate the orientation ort of target, relative to the bot.
(6) Select locomotion action act, based on the following:
 (6a) If ort < 30 AND ort > −30 then act = FWD
 (6b) If ort < −150 AND ort > 150 then act = BACK
 (6c) If ort < −30 AND ort > −90 then act = FWD_RIGHT
 (6d) If ort > 30 AND ort < 90 then act = FWD_LEFT
 (6e) If ort > 90 AND ort < 150 then act = BACK_LEFT
 (6f) If ort < −90 AND ort > −150 then act = BACK_RIGHT
(7) Execute action act
(8) Go to step 1.