Research Article

Diagnosing the Causes of Failure in the Construction Sector Using Root Cause Analysis Technique

Table 1

Main causes of the failure of construction project in project management process groups.

Project Management Process GroupsSymbolsMain CausesSymbols

Initiation Process GroupS1Companies lack of understanding of the population and demographic changes for construction projectsS11
Strategic location of the project was not selected wellS12
No database to study the projects feasibilityS13

Planning Process GroupS2Lack of experience in the field of planningS21
Failure to provide a scheme with sums allocated to the project accuratelyS22
Inaccuracy of the bill of quantitiesS23
Executive companies not interesting well with schedule programS24

Design Process GroupS3Many designs are inaccurate; therefore designers make adjustments continuouslyS31
Employer requirements were constantly changingS32
There were not reconnaissance surveys in the work siteS33
Brainstorming was bad between architectural designer style and owner in order to reach the desired designS34

Contract Process GroupS4Weak ability of the contractors and inaccurate information because of the unavailable databaseS41
information provided by some contractors is inaccurate in bidding or contracting phase due to lack of databases about contractorsS42
subcontractors were inefficientS43
A large positive or negative discrepancy between the bidding price of contractors and the cost guessed by the employerS45
Delay in signing the contract for a long time after the referral by the authorities related to the signatureS45
Lack of the specialists for the bidding analysis committees, and lack of clarity of the approval controls to trade-off between the companiesS46
Lack of precise criteria for referral and therefore referral to the lowest priceS47

Executing & Monitoring Process GroupS5General conditions of the civil engineering do not apply to all the fieldsS51
Inefficient residents, engineers, and supervisors in the projectsS52
Inefficient Executing companiesS53
Inefficiency of staff in spite of the development in the construction industryS54
Monopoly ( making the tests in one laboratory)S55
Adoption of the general contracting method continuously in spite of problems caused by unsuitability circumstances of the countryS56
Security conditions in some areas of the country and political or tribal interferenceS57
Holidays and events that reduce the work days per year as well as the weather conditionsS58
Monitoring and controlling projects were done without using modern softwareS59
Time schedule was not updated regularly and continuouslyS510
Large number of the regular and frequent field visits for propaganda or advertising purposesS511
Occurrence of many change orders during construction – executingS512
Delays cash flow for contractorsS513

Close Process GroupS6Problems in the calculations and measurementS61
Delay penaltiesS62
Leniency with the executing company if there is a defect in the executed projects and no reaction is taken for the defect diagnosingS63
Slow progress in the formation of technical committeesS64