Research Article

Static Voltage Stability Assessment of the Kenyan Power Network

Table 1

Reported voltage collapse incidents over the years [1].

Date (mm/dd/yy)LocationTime frameInterrupted loadRemarks

08/22/70Japan30 minutes
07/23/78Japan (Tokyo)20 minutes8.168 GW
12/19/78France26 minutes29 GWEstimated cost:
$200–300 million
08/04/82Belgium4.5 minutes
09/02/82, 11/26/82, 30/11/82USA (Florida)1–3 minutes2 GW
12/27/82Sweden55 seconds11.4 GW
05/17/85USA (South Florida)4 seconds4.292 GW
11/30/86S. E Brazil, Paraguay2 seconds>1.2 GW
01/12/87Western France6-7 minutes∼9 GWSystem did not collapse but stabilised at low voltage level; 0.5–0.8 pu and recovered after shedding 1.5 GW
08/22/87USA (W. Tennessee)10 seconds1.265 GW
06/08/85Israel19 minutes∼3.140 GW
May 1997Chile30 minutes2 GW
08/14/03USA, Canada39 minutes63 GWEstimated cost: $4–10 billion people affected: 50 million
09/23/03South Sweden,
East Denmark
6.55 GWPeople affected: 4 million
07/12/04S. Greece30 minutes5 GW
11/11/09Brazil, Paraguay68 seconds24.436 GW
07/30/12, 07/31/12IndiaPeople affected; 700 million