Research Article

Modeling, Analysis, and State Feedback Control Design of a Multizone HVAC System

Table 1

Details of the building.

 Simulation technology group
Delivered energy report

Model floor area25141.7 m2
CustomerModel volume128952.9 m3
Created byAlmahdi Abdo-AllahModel ground area10544.5 m2
LocationNewfoundland (St. John’s Airport) _718010 (ASHRAE 2013)Model envelope area29440.0 m2
Climate fileCAN_NF_St. Johns.718010_CWECWindow/Envelope2.40%
Casebuilding2017_AHU8.Average -value0.3031 W/(m2 K)
Simulated2/13/2017 23:03Envelope area per Volume0.2283 m2/m3