Research Article

“Minus 1” and Energy Costs Constants: Sectorial Implications

Figure 10

Relationship between housing energy cost shares and the share of income spent on furnishings and durable household equipment in the US and UK. Source: calculated based on BEA [14] and ONS UK [19].
(a) Deviations from trend for and share of income spent on furnishings and durable household equipment (SHFDE-trend) for the US
(b) “Wing” function: share of income spent on furnishings and durable household equipment (SHFDE-trend) as a function of ECShous - inc -trend (deviations from trends) for the US
(c) Deviations from trend for ECShous-inc and share of income spent on furnishings and durable household equipment (SHFDE-trend) for the UK
(d) “Wing” function: share of income spent on furnishings and durable household equipment (SHFDE-trend) as a function of ECShous-inc (deviations from trends) for the UK