Research Article

Inhalation Exposures to Particulate Matter and Carbon Monoxide during Ethiopian Coffee Ceremonies in Addis Ababa: A Pilot Study

Table 2

Preparers’ Open Responses to Question “Are you concerned about smoke exposures during the ceremony?”.

SiteResponse (translated)

1I have no problems
2I have no fear
3I get headaches from the smoke which makes me worry a little
4I am not worried about the smoke
5The incense is fine but the charcoal is probably problematic
6I have no worries. I never thought about it
7Yes the smoke is a problem. I start the coals outside and then bring it in when the coals are red
8The charcoal does not bother me. I have no worries
9I see it as a problem. It feels suffocating
10I do not like the smoke. It makes it hard to breathe