Research Article

Risk and Protective Factors for Breast Cancer in Midwest of Brazil

Table 5

Per capita income, area of residence, physical activity, and family history of breast cancer of women with breast cancer (cases) and respective controls, from Midwest of Brazil (2008–2010).

Variable*Cases ( 𝑛 = 9 3 )Controls ( 𝑛 = 1 8 6 )Adjusted OR (95% CI) 𝑃 value**
𝑛 % 𝑛 %

First level
Per capita income (US$)
 >1/2 Brazilian minimum wage4346.2410560.001.00
 ≤1/2 Brazilian minimum wage5053.767040.001.87 (1.06–3.29)0.031
Area of residence
 Rural1316.2563.734.93 (1.65–14.73)0.004
Second level
Family history of breast cancer
 Yes88.6042.155.38 (1.46–19.93)0.012
Physical activity (past 6 months)
 Irregularly active B1617.203317.740.50 (0.18–1.37)0.178
 Irregularly active A99.683920.970.26 (0.09–0.77)0.016
 Active3436.569048.390.23 (0.10–0.55)0.001
Leisure physical activity (at 20 years old)
 Yes56.334125.620.13 (0.03–0.54)0.005

OR: odds ratio and CI: confidence interval; multivariate analyses adjusted for educational level, per capita income, area of residence, bearing children, number of children, height, physical activity (past 6 months), previous occupational and leisure physical activity, family history of cancer (any type), and family history of breast cancer (mother/sisters).
*Per capita income: Brazilian minimum wage corresponds to approximately US$ 300, 11 control subjects did not indicate their per capita income; area of residence: information is unavailable for 13 cases and 25 controls.
**Wald statistic.