Research Article

Associations between Resident Perceptions of the Local Residential Environment and Metabolic Syndrome

Table 3

Factor structure of the Australian version of the Neighbourhood Environment Walkability Scale ( ).

Item no.aItemItem loading on each factorb
Factor 1Factor 2Factor 3Factor 4Factor 5

A1Can do most shopping0.81
A2Many shops within easy walking distance0.89
A3Many places to go within easy walking distance0.85
A4Easy to walk to public transport stop −0.54
A5Streets in local area are hilly0.39
A6Major barriers to walking0.53
A7Car parking difficult in shopping areas0.50
B1Footpaths on most of the streets −0.75
B2Footpaths are well maintained −0.63
B3Park or nature reserve easily accessible −0.43
B4Grass/dirt strip separating streets from footpaths −0.58
B5Footpaths separated from road/traffic by parked cars0.28
B6Bicycle or walking paths easily accessible −0.50
C1Lots of greenery around the local area0.63
C2Tree cover or canopy along footpaths0.50
C3Many interesting things to look at0.74
C4Local area free from litter, rubbish, or graffiti0.53
C5Attractive buildings and homes0.67
C6Pleasant natural features0.70
D1Lots of traffic along most nearby streets0.68
D2Live on or near main arterial road or throughway for motor vehicles0.58
D3Speed of traffic usually slow0.29
D4Many traffic slowing devices −0.38
D5Busy streets have pedestrian crossings and traffic signals −0.50
D6A lot of exhaust fumes0.61
E1Streets are well lit at night −0.51
E2A lot of petty crime0.78
E3A lot of major crime0.79
E4Level of crime makes it unsafe to walk during the day0.66
E5Level of crime makes it unsafe to walk at night0.82
E6Feel safe walking home from a bus or train stop at night −0.62

aNEWS-AU subscales: [51] A: access to services; B: infrastructure for walking/cycling; C: aesthetics; D: traffic safety; E: crime safety. bFactors derived from this analysis: factor 1: aesthetics; factor 2: crime; factor 3: infrastructure for walking; factor 4: access to services; factor 5: barriers to walking.