Research Article

A Citizen-Science Study Documents Environmental Exposures and Asthma Prevalence in Two Communities

Table 1

Characteristics of survey respondents and their residences.


DemographicsGender ()
Renter/owner ()
Age ()Median: 47Range: 21–88

Residence characteristicsLocation of residence ()
 Wet area5234
 Buffer zone10166
Type of residence ()
 Individual house8153
  No basement5568
  Unknown basement status22
Duration at residence (years) ()Median: 2.5Range: <1–84
Number of people in residence ()Median: 2Range: 1–12

Environmental characteristics in residenceObserved mold ()
Leaks ()
Flooding ()
 Yes, while the participant lived in the residence1912
 Yes, before the participant lived in the residence43
Mice ()
 Reported mice1510
 No reported mice13890
Cockroaches ()
Pets ()
Smoking inside residence ()
Air conditioning use on most days during the summer ()
ERMI values ()Mean: 11.12
Median: 10.9
Range: −1.85–32.02

Reported health characteristicsSelf-reported current asthma ()