Research Article

Ambient Air Quality Classification by Grey Wolf Optimizer Based Support Vector Machine

Table 1

Major pollutants and their details.

Name of pollutantEffect on humansDetails

SO2The presence of high levels of SO2 has an adverse effect on human health. The exposure to high level of SO2 may lead to bronchitis, heart issues, respiratory illness, and asthma.(1) This gas is an outcome of oxidation of sulphur.
(2) The major source of this gas is petroleum products, coal, and volcano eruptions.

NO2The presence of high levels of NO2 in the air leads to acid rains. This corrodes metal structures like bridges, destroys buildings, with harmful effect on aquatic life due to acid formation.(1) This gas is an outcome of oxidation of nitrogen monoxide.
(2) The major sources of NO2 are agricultural processes, burning of fossil fuels, biomass burning, industries, human sewage, and atmospheric deposition.

SPM (PM2.5) (suspended particulate matter)The presence of high levels of SPM leads to cardiovascular diseases and respiratory issues, namely bronchitis, asthma, and lung cancer.(1) Particulate matter is a term used for solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air.
(2) Major sources of SPM are fuel combustion, power plants, and emission from diesel buses and trucks

RSPM (PM10) (respirable suspended particulate matter)The presence of high levels of RSPM leads to cardiovascular diseases and respiratory issues, namely, bronchitis, asthma, and lung cancer [6, 7].(1) The term RSPM is a composition of dust particles, industrial waste, and combustions.
(2) PM10 is term used to describe tiny particles in the air, made up of a complex mixture of soot, organic, and inorganic materials having a particle size less than or equal to 10 microns’ diameter.