Research Article

Understanding Public Views about Air Quality and Air Pollution Sources in the San Joaquin Valley, California

Table 5

Participants’ perception of contributors to air pollution in the San Joaquin Valley versus actual sources.

ProblemAll data
mean, SD, rank
Actual contribution
rank (%)

Cars & trucks3.35, .808, 12 (17%)
Windblown dust3.20, .872, 25 (8%)
Factories3.19, .850, 36 (8%)
Pollution from bay area2.99, .914, 43 (15%)
Farms and agriculture2.98, .954, 51 (35%)
Forest fires2.91, 1.014, 64 (9%)
Construction2.64, .918, 78 (.82%)
Blowers and lawn mowers2.61, .955, 87 (.98%)

Actual air pollution contribution calculated based on the 2012 estimated annual average emissions for the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin (Almanac Emission Projection Data, Published in 2013, downloaded from the Air Resources Board website).