Research Article

Clean and Safe Healthcare Environment: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Infection Prevention and Control among Health Workforce at North Showa Zone Oromiya Region

Table 3

Knowledge of HWF about infection prevention and control practice in NSHCFs environment, Oromiya region, Ethiopia, from January to February 2019 (n = 361).


Are you aware of the manual listing of the infection prevention and control policies and guidelines for healthcare workers?
Do you know disinfection prevents hospital-acquired infection?
Do you know antiseptic and sterilization techniques prevent hospital-acquired infection?
Do you know personal protective equipment (mask, glove, and so on) minimizes HCAIs?
Do you know the proper handling of working equipment decreases the risk of contamination?
Do you know the precautions of safe disposal for needle syringes and any sharp wastes?
Do you know the procedure of hand washing correctly?
Do you know the effectiveness of handwashing in preventing HCAIs?
Do you know when to perform handwashing?
Do you know nosocomial infections can be transmitted through blood and body fluid contamination?