Research Article

Clean and Safe Healthcare Environment: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Infection Prevention and Control among Health Workforce at North Showa Zone Oromiya Region

Table 5

Factors (crude and adjusted odds ratios and confidence intervals) associated with good infection prevention and control practice among the HWF in NSHCFs environment, Oromiya region, Ethiopia, from January to February 2019 (n = 361).

VariablesInfection prevention and control practice PoorInfection prevention and control practice GoodCrude OR (95% CI) valueAdjusted OR (95% CI) value

 Female47702.20 [1.39, 3.42]3.87 [1.91, 7.86]

 20–291081232.08 [1.33, 3.24]4.08 [1.97, 8.49]

Marital status
 Single59721.7 [1.08, 2.58]3.89 [1.92, 7.87]

 Nurse99600.22 (0.11, 0.46]0.02 [0.01, 0.07]
 Physician21340.59 [0.25, 1.39]0.2250.43 [0.14, 1.35]0.147
 Midwives19240.46 [0.19, 0.40]0.04 [0.11, 0.15]
 Medical laboratory science41180.16 [0.07, 0.38]0.05 [0.02, 0.17]
 Health officers and others123311

Year of experiences
 5–953541.31 [0.82 ,2.08]0.2610.90 [0.43, 1.87]0.776
 ≥1021231.41 [1.73, 3.69]3.10 [1.19, 8.10]

Educational status
 BSc/MD1411080.43 [0.26, 0.72]0.13 [0.55, 0.30]
 MSc2180.22 [0.09, 0.55]0.02 [0.01, 0.10]

 Good911102.07 [1.35, 3.16]1.10 [0.56, 2.17]0.775

 Positive861283.85 [2.45, 6.05]10.07 [4.82, 21.05]

Aware HW guidelines
 Yes1241191.31 [0.84, 2.03]0.2391.46 [0.78, 2.74]0.243

Water in the working area
 Yes45682.20 [1.40, 3.46]2.27 [1.18, 4.35]

Dustbins accessible
 Yes951041.63 [1.07, 2.48]1.44 [0.76, 2.66]0.250

Training injection safety
 Yes40581.98 [1.24, 3.18]1.96 [0.90, 4.25]0.090

Significant association ( value <0.05), value ≤0.001. HW: hand washing.