Research Article

Effect of Structural Condition of Milk Processing Facilities and Food Safety Systems on Escherichia coli and Coliforms Presence in Cultured Buttermilk

Table 2

Odds ratio estimate and lower (LCI) and upper confidence interval (UCI) of cultured buttermilk from processors with features which are not in adequate conditions having E. coli or coliforms.

PredictorsEscherichia coliSig.ColiformsSig.

Type of processor (small-scale vs. large-scale)1.181.433.221.290.463.62NS
Clear signage (absent vs. present)0.980.313.08NS0.470.151.48NS
Dust proofing (absent vs. present)
Disinfection practices (absent vs. present)2.51.5312.10.560.132.47NS
Insect-proof screens (absent vs. present)1.331.375.20.561.142.33
Drainage (poor vs. good)1.270.520.911.361.414.27
Access and traffic control (absent vs. present)0.430.121.54NS1.080.3023.83NS

LCI, lowest confidence interval; UCI, upper confidence interval; sig., significance; NS, not significant (); . Higher odds ratio estimates indicate greater difference in likelihood of presence of E. coli.