Review Article

Light: An Alternative Method for Physical Control of Postharvest Rotting Caused by Fungi of Citrus Fruit

Table 4

Effects of blue light irradiation on the postharvest rotting caused by P. italicum and P. digitatum.

Citrus speciesFungi speciesTreatment/intensityMechanism of actionReferences

OrangeP. digitatumBlue light (450 nm) at quantum fluxes between 210 and 630 μmolm−2·s−1Increase in scoparone at fruit flavedo[75]
MandarinP. italicumLow-intensity blue LED (465 nm) with a fluency of 8 μmol·m−2·s−1Suppression of fungi spore development[76]
MandarinP. digitatum and P. italicumBlue light at 465 nm with a photon flux of 80 μmol·m−2·s−1Prevention of microbial growth by increasing the phytoalexin scoparone concentration[77]
TangerineP. digitatumExposure of fruits to 410–540 nm blue light at a fluency of 40 μmol·m−2·s−1Induction in PLA2 gene expression which resulted with reduced pathogen infection[74]
TangerineP. digitatum and P. italicumBlue light at the intensity of 40 μmol·m−2·s−1Induction of the octanal production and reducing the activities of P. digitatum and P. italicum[78]