Research Article

Geochemistry of the Neoarchaean Volcanic Rocks of the Kilimafedha Greenstone Belt, Northeastern Tanzania

Figure 5

TAS classification diagram of Le Maitre et al. [21] for the Kilimafedha volcanic rocks. Also shown in the diagram are fields for volcanic rocks from other greenstone belts of the Tanzania Craton: ISGB: Iramba—Sekenke greenstone belt, SGB: Sukumaland greenstone belt, SMMGB: Southern Musoma—Mara greenstone belt, and NMMGB: Northern Musoma—Mara greenstone belt. Numbers in the diagram indicate fields as follows: 1: basalt, 2: basaltic andesite, 3: andesite, 4: dacite, 5: rhyolite, 6: trachybasalt, 7: basaltic trachyandesite, 8: trachyandesite, and 9: trachydacite.