Research Article

Pan-African Paleostresses and Reactivation of the Eburnean Basement Complex in Southeast Ghana (West Africa)

Figure 6

Structures of ductile and brittle deformations observed in southeast Ghana: (a) metric folds overturned to West and with submeridian axes in dolomitic carbonate of the Oterkpolu quarry; (b) N20-18E reverse fault plane in dolomitic carbonate of the Oterkpolu quarry (S0, N05-65E); (c) major N60-80NW sinistral strike-slip fault, with channel-like striation plunging at 15°NE (quartzite in a road section at Akosombo); (d) two generations of extension joints trending N35 and N120, inscribed on a Dn+2 decimetric fold (N60–20NE axis) and materializing the NE-SW and SE-NW σ1 axes of major paleostresses of different ages (Somanya quarry); (e) late normal fault (Fn, N55-60SE) cutting a thrust plane (Fc) and a sinistral strike-slip fault (Fd, road section at Peduase-S site); (f) slickenside of a major sinistral strike-slip fault (N10-75W) with striations plunging at 12° to the South and superposed amphibolite and fibrous mineral lineation (Nsawam quarry).