Research Article

Multiscale Erosion Surfaces of the Organic-Rich Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, USA

Table 3

Characteristic features of multi-scale erosional surfaces.

CharactersSequence-scale erosion surfaceParasequence-scale erosion surfaceEvent-scale erosion surface

ReliefMore than 25 mmRange between 8 and 20 mm<5 mm
Surface natureIrregular, scoured, cutting downSharp, irregular to gradationalSharp
Lithofacies siliceous non calcareous mudstone and Siliceous calcareous mudstoneSiliceous non calcareous mudstone and Siliceous calcareous mudstoneClay-rich mudstone facies
Reworked concretionsRounded to subrounded shale intraclasts Subrounded phosphatic pelletsCalcareous concretions
Shelly laminaeHighly compacted and horizontally oriented shell fragmentsTraces of thin disconnected shelly laminaeRarely occurred
Shale rip-up clastsRarely occurredCommonRarely occurred
Spectral gamma ray patternAbrupt change (decreasing and increasing) Marking the end of upward increasing or decreasing spectral Gamma Ray pattern Does not Apply
Energy levelsHigh energy enough to reworked shale intraclasts and other componentsLow energy where the shale rip-up clasts suspended in the sea bed layerLow bottom energy levels