Clinical Study

Smartphone-Based Remote Self-Management of Chronic Low Back Pain: A Preliminary Study

Table 4

Comparisons of group difference in SF36 over time.

Outcome measureWithin-group effectsInteraction effectBetween-group effects

Physical function0.250.850.890.87
Role physical0.410.680.160.48
Bodily pain0.0230.100.0460.008
General health0.800.430.400.523.20.12
Adjusted general health0.0790.870.0330.0692.120.21
Social function1.000.660.680.82
Role emotional0.100.580.0800.16
Mental health0.0790.580.0170.013

SF36: Short Form Health Survey; SM + PT: self-management + physiotherapy; PT: physiotherapy; pre-mid: pretreatment vs midterm; mid-post: midterm vs posttreatment; post-pre: posttreatment vs pretreatment; .