Research Article

Diagnosing the Stage of Hepatitis C Using Machine Learning

Table 4

Confusion matrix for the proposed IHSDS during training.

Proposed IHSDS model (70% of the dataset in training)
N = 968 (no. of samples)Predicted output (Ƥ0, Ƥ1, Ƥ2, Ƥ3)
Actual output (ƴ0, ƴ1, ƴ2, ƴ3)Ƥ0 (Stage I)Ƥ1 (Stage II)Ƥ2 (Stage III)Ƥ3 (Stage IV)

ƴ0 = 235 (Stage I)159281516
ƴ1 = 232 (Stage II)291821721
ƴ2 = 248 (Stage III)191320016
ƴ3 = 253 (Stage IV)171825193