Research Article

Estimating the Impacts of Hospitals’ Organisational and Geographical Characteristics on the Adoption of Health Information Technology in Mongolian Hospitals

Table 2

Multiple regression analysis of the organisational and geographical characteristics on the adoption of HITs.

β95% CIβ95% CIβ95% CI

Bed-size capacity0.2560.2325, 0.28030.36540.3452, 0.38560.00060.0007, 0.005
Ownership type0.04560.0396, 0.05160.03520.009, 0.0610.19950.098, 0.301
Status0.25600.1215, 0.45050.19850.179, 0.2180.22360.1512, 0.296
Location0.28400.1427, 0.42530.22560.1227, 0.32850.22560.1489, 1.488

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