Research Article

EERP-DPM: Energy Efficient Routing Protocol Using Dual Prediction Model for Healthcare Using IoT

Algorithm 1

Adding the priority-level phase.
Agg: Aggregator for current Sensing/Transmission round
D (i; j): Distance between node i and node j
D (i; Agg): Distance between node i and Aggregator
D (i; RN): Distance between node i and Relay Node
N: Total number of sensor nodes
 Condition 1: |Pn − NDVn| > emax
 Condition 2: |Pn − NDVn| ≤ emax
 Condition 3: Data is not critical. Condition 4: Data is critical
 for each node i of N do
 if (Condition 2 is true) then
 This observation can be predicted accurately, and detected value is discarded as it is redundant.
 if (Condition 1 is true) then
 if (Condition 4 is true) then
 Node-i Transmit data directly to Aggregator
 if (Condition 3 is true) then
 if D(i; Agg) < D(i; RN) then
 Node-i Transmit data to Aggregator
 if D(i; RN) < D(i; Agg) then
 Node-i Transmit data directly to Relay Node
 end if
 end if
 end if
 end if
 end if
 end if
 end for
 Data Aggregation at Aggregator:
 Aggregator receives the data from sensor nodes, aggregates it and forward it to Medical Server.