Research Article

[Retracted] Functional New Transcription Factors (TFs) Associated with Cervical Cancer

Figure 3

Coexpression of PDZRN3 and EMX2 in cervical cancer single-cell transcriptome dataset GSE168652. (a) tSNE plot showing 15 major clusters. (b) tSNE plot with annotations according to sample origin. Normal as red and cervical cancer as blue. (c, d) Feature tSNE plots depicting EMX2 and PDZRN3 (SRY-Box Transcription Factor 2). The color bar from gray to purple indicated the changes of expression values from low to high. (e) Violin plot showed distribution similarities of EMX2 and PDZRN3 in single-cell clusters along with markers like ACTG2, COL1A2, and APOD. EMX2, Empty Spiracles Homeobox 2; PDZRN3, PDZ Domain Containing Ring Finger 3; tSNE, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding.