Review Article

The SSX Family of Cancer-Testis Antigens as Target Proteins for Tumor Therapy

Table 1

SSX family members: expression, fusion constructs, inducibility, and isoforms. The mRNA expression patterns of the ten known SSX family members are shown for testis and tumor tissues in columns 2, 3, and 4, while SSX family members known to be involved in the SS18-SSX fusion event are shown in column 5. SSX members shown to be inducible with epigenetic modifying agents or known to have alternative splice isoforms are shown in columns 6 and 7, respectively. References are given in column 8.

TranscribedExpressed in testisExpressed in cancerFusion partner with SS18InducibleAlternative splicesReference

SSX1+++++ [27]
SSX2++++++ [27, 74]
SSX3++−* [27]
SSX4++++**++ [27]
SSX5+++/−++ [27]
SSX8++ [29, 73]
SSX9++ [29, 73]

+ = positive/strong, +/− = positive/weak, − = negative/undetectable.
*very seldom.
**Only one case observed [75].
n.d. = not demonstrated.