Clinical Study

Effect of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Immunomodulator on Cytokines Levels: An Alternative Therapy for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder

Table 1

Demographic characteristics in depressed subjects and healthy volunteers.

Age (years)Gender (male/female)BMI (kg/m2)Education (years)Family history (positive/negative)First episodeRecurrent episode

Healthy volunteers (n = 30)32 ± 610/2024.3 ± 0.415 ± 3NANANA
Patients/SSRIs (n = 31)35 ± 910/2124.6 ± 0.713 ± 210/211516
Patients/SSRIs plus DLE (n = 34)33 ± 96/2824.0 ± 4.012 ± 316/182212

Values are given as mean ± standard deviation. Education refers to the number of years of schooling. Family history is expressed as the number of patients with depressive antecedents (positive) versus the number of patients without depressive antecedents (negative). NA: nonapplicable. BMI: body mass index.