Clinical Study

Viral Aetiology in Adults with Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection in Jinan, Northern China

Table 1

Main clinical symptoms and blood test values of 596 patients tested.

Age (median; range) 31 (14–88)
Gender (M/F) 304/292
Body temperature (median; range) 38.61 (38–41)

Patients with clinical symptoms Cases

Fever 521
Headache 286
Sore throat 228
Chills 150
Nasal discharge 121
Muscle soreness 61
Sneeze 61
Trembling 60
Arthralgia 42
Expectoration 32
Nausea 22
Diarrhea 19
Tears 17
Vomiting 11

Blood test Value

WBCs (median; range), 10e9/L 8.22 (1.39–29.1)
LYM (median; range) 10e9/L 1.47 (0.17–24.2)
NEU (%) (median; range) 70.77 (1.89–91.5)
LYM (%) (median; range) 17.09 (0.173–80)
HGB (median; range) g/L 139.05 (13.5–184)
PLT (median; range) 10e9/L 221.83 (18.4–671)

WBCs: white blood cells; LYM: lymphocytes; NEU: neutrophils; HGB: haemoglobin; PLT: platelet.