Clinical Study

Fcγ-Receptor IIIA Polymorphism p.158F Has No Negative Predictive Impact on Rituximab Therapy with and without Sequential Chemotherapy in CD20-Positive Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder

Table 3

Immunosuppression of patients treated in the PTLD-1 trial by FcγRIIIA p.158V/F polymorphism: non-F-carrier versus F carrier.

FcγRIIIA p.158 non-F-carrierFcγRIIIA p.158 F carrier

Number of patients8/168/16

Immunosuppression at diagnosis of PTLD, (mean in mg, range in mg)
mTOR inhibitors 2/8 (2, 1–3) 1/8 (1)n.s.
Calcineurin inhibitors7/87/8n.s.
 Cyclosporin A3/8 (193, 180–200) 2/8 (195, 190–200) n.s.
 FK5064/8 (5, 2–9) 5/8 (6, 5–8) n.s.
 Azathioprine1/8 (75) 1/8 (75) n.s.
 MMF3/8 (1333, 1000–2000) 4/8 (1625, 1000–2000) n.s.
Steroids6/8 (6, 4–10) 2/8 (13, 10–16) 0.05