Research Article

TACI Expression and Signaling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Figure 2

TACI expression protects CLL cells from apoptosis in vitro. CLL cells with very low (a), or high (b) TACI expression were cultured with IMDM medium without any stimulus (internal control) or stimulated by either BAFF or APRIL for 24 h. Cells were harvested and stained with Annexin V (-axis) and 7-AAD (-axis) to discriminate between viable (double negative), apoptotic (Annexin V-FITC positive, 7-AAD negative), and necrotic (double positive) cells. Results are summarized in the bar graphs in the lower panel of the figure (c) and are obtained from three independent experiments in 6 CLL patients with low (3 patients; mean: 3.2%, range: 1.7%–5.1%) and high TACI expression (3 patients; mean: 49.7%, range: 40.1%–57.8%).