Research Article

Gene Expression Profile of Dendritic Cell-Tumor Cell Hybrids Determined by Microarrays and Its Implications for Cancer Immunotherapy

Figure 3

Expression level of costimulatory molecules and molecules involved in antigen (Ag) presentation (a) or melanoma-associated gene products (b) in DC-tumor cell hybrids. Microarray data for DC-tumor cell hybrids and DCs were compared. Positive values indicate upregulation in DC-tumor cell hybrids. Data from different probe sets were obtained for CD1d, HLA-class II (HLA-Q6 and HLA-Q7), MITF, Melanophilin, Pax3, PGC-1, MATF, SPARC, Mbp, Tyrosinase, Trp1, and Trp2. For these gene products the average in gene expression is shown.
(a) Costimulation/inhibition and Ag presentation
(b) Melanoma-associated gene products