Research Article

Inhibins Tune the Thymocyte Selection Process by Regulating Thymic Stromal Cell Differentiation

Figure 1

MHCII expression but not CD11c+ cells is reduced in thymus of Inhα−/− mice. Representative micrographs of thymic sections from 2-week-old Inhα+/+ () and Inhα−/− () mice stained for MHCII (a) and CD11c (b) are shown at 5x (top panels) and 40x (bottom panels) magnification. (a) MHCII staining and summary of data expressing the percentage of area stained per field (top, ) and the MHCII staining intensity (bottom, ) are shown. (b) CD11c staining and summary of data expressing the percentage of area stained per field (top) and the CD11c staining intensity (bottom). Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical significance: .