Research Article

Delta Procalcitonin Is a Better Indicator of Infection Than Absolute Procalcitonin Values in Critically Ill Patients: A Prospective Observational Study

Table 2

Clinical signs and suspected source of infection at enrollment ().


Fever (<36°C; >38°C)55 (48.2%)13 (44.8%)42 (49.4%)0.670
WBC (>12 or <4 × 109/L)82 (71.9%)22 (75.9%)60 (70.6%)0.585
Impaired gas exchange82 (71.9%)18 (62.1%)64 (75.3%)0.171
Impaired consciousness59 (51.8%)9 (31.0%)50 (58.8%)0.010
Hemodynamic instability74 (64.9%)13 (44.8%)61 (71.8%)0.009
PCT (ng/mL)3.37 (9.22)1.12 (1.36)4.62 (10.72)0.018
CRP (mg/L)182.75 (158.5)147.60 (156.50)208.80 (140.60)0.301

Respiratory72 (63.2%)17 (58.6%)55 (64.7%)0.557
Soft tissue13 (11.4%)2 (6.9%)11 (12.9%)0.377
Abdominal14 (12.3%)7 (24.1%)7 (8.2%)0.024
Urinary tract5 (4.4%)05 (5.9%)0.182
Bloodstream6 (5.3%)2 (6.9%)4 (4.7%)0.648
Central nervous system4 (3.5%)1 (3.4%)3 (3.5%)0.984

WBC: white blood cell count, PCT: procalcitonin, and CRP: C-reactive protein. The PCT and CRP values are presented as median (interquartile range).