Research Article

Impact of Ivabradine on Inflammatory Markers in Chronic Heart Failure

Table 2

Answers to the SF-36 questionnaire of the study participants. Data presented as mean SEM for the baseline investigation, 3-month follow-up, and 6-month-follow-up. Follow-up data were compared to the baseline measurements and statistical significance considered as a value < 0.05 is presented in comparison to the baseline answer.

Baseline⁢3-month follow-up⁢ 6-month follow-up
Mean SEMMean SEMp valueMean SEM value

GENERAL HEALTH (1-excellent, 2-very good, 3-good, 4-fair, 5-poor)
How is your health in general3.24 0.093.06 0.12NS2.96 0.12

PHYSICAL HEALTH PROBLEMS during the past 4 weeks that resulted in problems with work or other regular daily activities (1-yes, 2-no)
Cut down the amount of time you spent on work or other activities1.48 0.071.18 0.081.96 0.04
Were limited in the kind of work or other activities1.56 0.071.82 0.081.96 0.04
Had difficulty performing the work or other activities1.50 0.071.76 0.091.06 0.04

EMOTIONAL HEALTH PROBLEMS during the past 4 weeks that resulted in problems with work or other regular daily activities (1-yes, 2-no)
Cut down the amount of time you spent on work or other activities1.65 0.071.88 0.071.96 0.04
Accomplished less than you would like1.65 0.071.88 0.061.92 0.05
Didn't do work or other activities as carefully as usual1.73 0.061.94 0.041.96 0.04

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES (1-not at all, 2-slightly, 3-moderately, 4-severe, 5-very severe)
Emotional problems interfered with your normal social activities1.67 0.141.36 0.13NS1.08 0.08

NS = not significant.