Review Article

Annexin A1 and the Resolution of Inflammation: Modulation of Neutrophil Recruitment, Apoptosis, and Clearance

Table 1

In vitro and in vivo evidence for anti-inflammatory and proresolving properties of annexin A1 and its fragments.

AgentExperimental modelOutcome/effect on resolutionReferences

Inhibition of neutrophil recruitment

AnxA1Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vitro)↓ PMN capture, rolling, and adhesion 
↓ PMN transmigration
[27, 48, 54, 55]
Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vivo)↓ PMN rolling, adhesion, and emigration 
↑ Detachment of adherent PMN
[27, 56]
Human PMN↑ L-selectin shedding[57, 58]
IL-1β inflamed air pouch ↓ PMN migration[26, 59]
Carrageenan-induced paw edema ↓ edema 
↓ leukocyte infiltration

SAnxA1Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vitro)↓ PMN capture, rolling, and adhesion[27]
Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vivo)↓ PMN rolling and adhesion[27]
fMLP induced skin edema ↓ MPO activity[27]
Carrageenan-induced paw edema ↓ edema 
↓ leukocyte infiltration

AnxA1Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vitro)↓ PMN rolling and adhesion[26]
Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vivo)↓ PMN adhesion[26]
IL-1β inflamed air pouch ↓ PMN recruitment[26]

Ac2–26Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vitro)↓ PMN capture, rolling, and adhesion 
↑ L-selectin shedding
[40, 54]
Human PMN activated with CCL5β integrin activation [40]
Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vivo)↓ PMN adhesion and emigration  
↑ detachment of adherent PMN

Ac1–26 Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vitro) ↓ PMN transmigration[48]

Ac9–25Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vitro)↓ PMN adhesion and transmigration 
↑ L-selectin shedding

AF-2 Neutrophil/endothelial interaction (in vitro)↓ PMN adhesion  
β2 integrin expression
[60, 61]

Induction of neutrophil apoptosis

AnxA1Human PMN ↑ apoptosis (↓ pBAD)[57]

AnxA1Human neutrophils stimulated with SAA ↑ apoptosis[26]

Ac2–26Human neutrophils stimulated with SAA ↑ apoptosis 
(↑ caspase-3 cleavage; JNK dependent)
Acute pleurisy ↑ apoptosis  
(↑ Bax; ↑ caspase-3 cleavage;  
↓ Mcl-1; ↓ NF-κB; ↓ pERK)
Skin allograft model ↑ skin allograft survival 
↑ apoptosis 
↓ neutrophil transmigration

Enhancement of monocyte recruitment and efferocytosis

Ac2–7Transmigration assay (in vitro)Stimulating human monocyte chemotaxis[63]

AnxA1Chemotaxis assays Human monocyte chemoattractant[64]
Administration to mouse peritoneum ↑ monocyte recruitment [64]
Phagocytosis of apoptotic leukocytes↑ efferocytosis 
↑ binding of apoptotic cells to MØ
[65, 66]

Ac2–26 Phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils ↑ phagocytosis 
Inducing actin reorganization 
↑ TGF-β release 
↓ IL-8 release

AnxA1Zymosan-induced peritonitis ↑ efferocytosis[26]

Macrophage reprogramming

AnxA1Human MØ cell lineInduced M2-like polarization[44]
Human monocytes↑ IL-10[47]
LPS stimulated THP-1 MØ ↓ IL-6, TNF, and IL-1β[66]
MØ from NASH livers ↓ M1 polarization (↓ iNOS, IL-12p40) 
↑ IL-10
Intraperitoneal injection ↑ IL-10[47]
Phagocytosis of apoptotic neurons by microglial cells ↓ phagocytosis of healthy cells 
↓ NO production

Ac2–26Endotoxin-challenged monocytes↓ IL-6 signalling  
↓ TNF-α release

AnxA1: annexin A1; fMLP: N-Formyl-Met-Leu-Phe; IL: interleukin; MPO: Myeloperoxidase; MØ, macrophage; NASH; nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; PMN: polymorphonuclear; NO: nitric oxide; SAA: serum amyloid A; SAnxA1: SuperAnxA1 (proteinase-3 resistant); TGF-β: transforming growth factor-β; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor alpha.