Research Article

Synergistic Antitumour Properties of viscumTT in Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

Figure 5

viscumTT induces apoptosis synergistically ex vivo. Ex vivo cultures from three different patients were incubated with viscum, TT, and viscumTT in increasing concentrations for 48 h (a) patient no. 1 or for 24 h, (b) patient no. 2, and (c) patient no. 3. Cell proliferation was measured by CASY cell counter analysis, and apoptosis was assessed by annexin V/PI assay and flow cytometry. All results are presented as means ± SD of two independent experiments. Webb’s fractional product (Fp) was calculated to assess synergism, values Fp > 1 display synergism. Mistletoe lectin (ML) and oleanolic acid (OA) concentrations were used as marker substances for viscum and TT, respectively.